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Itukusima shrine

It is a wallpaper photograph of the Miyajima Itukushima shrine in Aki.
It is a shrine which is told that the Itukushima shrine was opened by those who is called
Saeki Ansyoku which was leading powerful clan of this place at the Empress Suiko era in 593,
and has 1400 years or more of history. It is a world's cultural heritage and is designated
also as the national treasure. The high stage and a five-storied pagoda are also famous with a main shrine and torii.

A Itukushima shrine is famous also for great torii standing into the sea which faced Setonaikai again. Miyajima with a Itukushima shrine itself -- from ancient times -- or -- it is also referred to as having worshipped not only a Itukushima shrine but this Miyajima itself as God that it is said that there is mind of the soul and great torii stands all over the sea -- from ancient times -- or -- it seems that it is because it is historied. The Itukushima shrine in Miyajima can go the height of prosperity at the Heian period terminal time in which Taira no Kiyomori was. Taira no Kiyomori will have started for his new assignment in this area as defence of Aki, and will be henceforth concerned with worship of a Itukushima shrine, or erection of shrine pavilions deeply those days. It seems that it is said that Taira no Kiyomori built the present shrine pavilions etc. in 1186. In the Itukushima shrine which was free from worship of Hajime Taira no Kiyomori and a Heian aristocrat of those daysThe common stage which is the feature and which is considered to have been used for ability to dance, for example, the high stage, the vermillion-painted shrine pavilions using a pillar, passage, etc. could also call it the building which symbolizes the Heian age that many culture of the Heian period is taken in. The form which hardly changes to the building which an aristocrat's etc. worship also continued receiving protection of a man of power called Mori Motonari and Hideyoshi Toyotomi who are the champions of the Chugoku district of the Age of Civil Wars continuously in response to protection of the man of power at the time, and was founded by the Heian age also after that is stopped until it continues up to now. saying [ it not being necessary to see the portion of the pillar of the great torii at the time of an ebb tide, and the part bruise also coming out violently considerably too, and continuing maintaining it until it continues up to now although it is the torii which stands all over the sea, and a Itukushima shrine which seems to be filled and to appear on the sea at the time of tide ] -- a certain meaning -- it may be able to call that it is miraculous. Although a Itukushima shrine is in a fire frequently or it has suffered the damage of the typhoon, revival is made each time. It is a place where the damage of a typhoon No. 18 in which Hiroshima was attacked these days on September 7, 2004, and Sagakubo of the national treasure etc. collapsed by the wind close to 60m of wind velocity is fresh in memory. It also seems that there is that a sea surface goes up even above the floor level in a high tide frequently under the influence of warming these days. Moreover, a Itukushima shrine is a national treasure, and is registered into the world's cultural heritage of UNESCO with the A-bomb memorial dome in December, 1996 again, and the scene is counted with Amanohashidate in Tango, and Matsushima in Mutsu by one of the three most famous views in Japan. I think that it can say that it is one of the shrines with the scene which just represents Japan.
The sun from which Setonaikai rises
The sun from which Setonaikai rises
Access to a Itukushima shrine
Access to a Itukushima shrine
Torii of the Itukushima shrine of an ebb tide
Torii of the Itukushima shrine of an ebb tide
Great torii of the Miyajima Itukushima shrine
Great torii of the Miyajima Itukushima shrine
Upside-down torii reflected in the sea of an ebb tide
Upside-down torii reflected in the sea of an ebb tide
Itukushima shrine torii of an ebb tide
Itukushima shrine torii of an ebb tide
The step portion of Itukushima shrine torii
The step portion of Itukushima shrine torii
History of a Itukushima shrine
History of a Itukushima shrine
Itukusima shrine
Itukusima shrine
The deer of a Itukushima shrine
The deer of a Itukushima shrine
The lantern of a Itukushima shrine, and the group of a deer
The lantern of a Itukushima shrine, and the group of a deer
The Itukushima shrine main shrine and common stage which are seen from the sea side
The Itukushima shrine main shrine and common stage which are seen from the sea side
Itukushima shrine   The east corridor
Itukushima shrine The east corridor
The direction of a main shrine is seen from the east corridor.
The direction of a main shrine is seen from the east corridor.
The main shrine seen from the east corridor
The main shrine seen from the east corridor
The visitor shrine purification and a main shrine
The visitor shrine purification and a main shrine
