History of a Itukushima shrine

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History of a Itukushima shrine
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It is said that erection of the Miyajima Itukushima shrine was built by those
who is called Saeki Ansyoku in 593.
It seems that the main buildings of the style of the classic aristocratic mansion style
were generally built at these days as Genji and the man of power at the time all raise after
Taira no Kiyomori, Taira family, and the Heike's extinction after that and especially
a Heike family had distinguished services in shrine-pavilions erection of a Itukushima shrine very much.
Although there were many complications also after that,
the Itukushima shrine has passed the time of 1400 or more since erection -- being long --
it seems that it was alike and prosperity has been continued till the passage present