Access to a Itukushima shrine

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Access to a Itukushima shrine
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Access to a Itukushima shrine.
It decided for this travel between two-night Kyushu (3rd) to stop over first of all the first day,
and to call at the Miyajima Itukushima shrine in Aki in the early morning.
To Miyajima, a parking lot is located alongside the exit pier of Miyajima,
and it is stopped by day parking fee of 1000 yen per,
and it rides on the one ferry for Miyajima from the exit pier of Miyajima, and crosses to Miyajima.
If it rides on a ferry, it will arrive at the Miyajima ferry landing stage like time required 10 minute.
As for a ferry charge, one way of 170 yen starts.