topSummerNight viewFireworksKobeJapanese>Minato Kobe marine fireworks display

Minato Kobe marine fireworks display 2004

It is a situation of a Kobe marine fireworks display as accept it in the 2004 fiscal year.

Since it was late that work finished in that year, a good place was not able to be secured, either. 1 hour before fireworks were set off, having arrived by car there was good, but pains was too taken over the search for a parking lot as expected. Although I think that the place best for seeing everybody and a Kobe marine fireworks display will be around the Meriken Park pier oriental hotel on the south too, a good place will be buried with this hit not going quite a little early. Since the nearby home center had opened the parking lot wide by chance this time, it decided to photo the Minato Kobe marine fireworks display which parks a car in the parking lot there and goes up it from the roof to it over an oriental hotel. The fireworks seen from the parking lot of the home center which is a situation of the Minato Kobe marine fireworks display in 2004 The fireworks set off over an oriental hotel Since the fireworks of this year ran in the end of work, a good place was not able to be secured.
