Kobe Scenery photograph wallpaper

Kobe Prefecture Scenery photograph wallpaper

Japan Scenery photograph of Kobe


With the wallpaper photograph of Kobe, we mainly send a night view, a building in foreign style, etc. in Kobe to you. If it is called the night view of Kobe, the night view looked down on from the Maya-san summit is famous as a night view of 10 million dollars. Although it is famous also as three [ Japanese ] major night views, the brilliant night view of a to [ it begins to be gradually illuminated from twilight and / soon / from Kobe / Osaka ] between Hanshin is pictured. Moreover, there is very much night view spot of Kobe besides it, and the night view looked down on from Port Tower is also wonderful. For the night view of Kobe, near Meriken Park is spot famous as a time-tested product. Moreover, many Kobe Luminarie, night views of Christmas, etc. are set.
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