topSpringHyogoFlowerNarcissusJapanese>Tachikawa narcissus Village

Tachikawa narcissus Village

It is a wallpaper photograph of Tachikawa narcissus village in Awaji-shima called Japanese 3 size narcissus village.

Tachikawa narcissus village in Awaji-shima is one of the narcissus village which similarly represents Awaji-shima of a flower along with Nada Kuroiwa narcissus village of Awaji, and is a true symbol which tells spring of Awaji. In the site of cultivation area abbreviation 6ha, the flower of the narcissus said about 5 million has just been going to be in all glory. It is Tachikawa narcissus village that the flower garden of a narcissus is located in the place which went down the steep incline by car compared with Nada Kuroiwa narcissus village who is located in the south in Awaji-shima and develops on the south slope,Therefore, the thing along which it spreads and is easy to walk on a slope comparatively loose [ the flower of a narcissus ] and flat is the feature. Although I feel it in number that there is more Nada Kuroiwa narcissus village, the number of the narcissuses a whole view of can still be commanded since the prospect is good thinks that it is comparable. Moreover, in Tachikawa narcissus village, the feature referred to as that not only a Japanese narcissus but the stock of a Western narcissus is seen is just going to be. In Awaji Tachikawa narcissus village, from around the middle of January to the the beginning time of February turns into best time to see every year. An admission fee may give the cut flowers of a narcissus of 500 yen at an entrance. Moreover, from here, if it gets down from a steep incline by car, there is a parking lot. Access to Tachikawa narcissus village is visible to a left hand, if the mountain path which got down at the Kobe Awaji [ Naruto ] Expressway Sumoto interchange, and wound toward the direction of Yura across the hotel town and the Sumoto ruined castle from a Sumoto in the city is progressed. Moreover, similarly it gets down at a Kobe Awaji [ Naruto ] Expressway Seidan Mihara interchange, and another route goes south the prefectural road No. 31 line,if it will be soon divided with the coastline if Nada Kuroiwa narcissus village is passed and the south Awaji narcissus line of the coastline is run as it is aiming at the direction of Ama from the national highway No. 28 line, and it goes into an uptown -- soon . Although it is comparatively easy to run, the route here has a slightly far distance.
To Awaji Tachikawa narcissus village
To Awaji Tachikawa narcissus village
The narcissus field of extensive Tachikawa narcissus village
The narcissus field of extensive Tachikawa narcissus village
Tachikawa narcissus village
Tachikawa narcissus village
The flower, narcissus which tell spring beginning
The flower, narcissus which tell spring beginning
Europe narcissus
Europe narcissus
The place of origin and the code for flowers of a narcissus
The place of origin and the code for flowers of a narcissus
The narcissus which blooms in the shape of a fringe
The narcissus which blooms in the shape of a fringe
A narcissus has poison by the department of a cluster amaryllis
A narcissus has poison by the department of a cluster amaryllis
Tachikawa narcissus village Best time to see of a narcissus
Tachikawa narcissus village Best time to see of a narcissus
The way to the Tachikawa narcissus village
The way to the Tachikawa narcissus village
The narcissus which shines
The narcissus which shines
Tachikawa narcissus villageAdmission fee
Tachikawa narcissus villageAdmission fee
The paradise of a mystery
The paradise of a mystery
The Awaji Tachikawa narcissus village Paradise of a mystery
The Awaji Tachikawa narcissus village Paradise of a mystery
The store of the paradise of a mystery
The store of the paradise of a mystery
My aunt of beckoning of the Tachikawa narcissus village
My aunt of beckoning of the Tachikawa narcissus village
A double-pedaled narcissus
A double-pedaled narcissus
The narcissus field which blooms all over
The narcissus field which blooms all over
Business hours
Business hours
