Ninna-ji Omuro cherry tree

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Ninna-ji   Omuro cherry tree
Actual size

Ninna-ji is also famous also for the Omuro cherry tree blooming.
it seems that the name of a cherry tree to the Omuro cherry tree which comes out and blooms
in the Omuro place of the alias of Ninna-ji from which it will begin to begin that the Omuro cherry tree
was planted in Ninna-ji at the Heian period is coming
It is said that the Omuro cherry tree is a cherry tree of the cultivation kind called Ariake,
and belongs to the Sato cherry tree of the Oshima cherry tree system.
The feature is a with a height [ 2-3m ] shrubbery, and it is the feature to lengthen a branch several times over from near a root,
and to make a large bud and a large white flower bloom.
Since the soil of Ninna-ji is base rock geology, it is easy to dry that it is a shrubbery on that a root
is not much deeply inelastic and base rock geology.
In order to maintain balance so that it may not break down from a shallow root, either,
although it is said that it is the influence which very fine-grained mud became surface soil, and has covered
It is thought that the branch was lengthened from the root with the shrubbery and the center of gravity is lowered.
It seems that moreover, it hooks with the feature that this back is low and that a flower (nose) is low,
and is also called the moonfaced-woman cherry tree.
In addition, the Omuro cherry tree of Ninna-ji is specified as the natural treasure in Taisho 13.
It is said that there are about ten kinds of about about 200 shares of kinds planted now besides Ariake,
and the present thing was planted in 1696.