History of Ninna-ji

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History of Ninna-ji
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Ninna-ji is the Monzeki temple which Emperor Yoko began erection in 886 and Emperor Uda completed in 888.
Since the Imperial prince house acted as the chief priest from generation to generation in Ninna-ji after an ordination into priesthood,
let Ninna-ji be a Monzeki temple where social status is very high.
It seems that moreover, it is considered as the beginning of a Monzeki temple that Emperor Uda
turned into an abdicated emperor with a Buddhist order, and ran the cloister government behind in Ninna-ji.
It is said that Ninna-ji was a temple of the beginning of a Monzeki temple.
Although the alias of Ninna-ji is also called the Omuro place,
it is based on the history which the Imperial Family inherited.